Asbestos Testing Service: Jenny Jones is a Certified AHERA Asbestos Building Inspector – Call: 360-936-2703 if you have any questions & or need pricing information.

Attention: New State Mandate – Asbestos Testing – Concerning any roofing services provided in Washington and Oregon have been changed in the way we dispose of any materials. If materials contain miscellaneous materials such as roofing felt, tar paper, synthetic underlayment, membrane (flat roofing), or siding paper/siding we will need to have it tested for Asbestos before we can dispose of it in ANY landfill. Shingles are ok to dump at this time and do not need to be tested. All of Oregon and Washington have complied with DEQ/EPA for hazardous wastes as of 2/1/18.

To protect the health and safety of our employees and customers all loads of construction, Remodeling and demolition waste brought to Columbia Resource company transfer stations are screened for materials that may contain asbestos. this form is required or all such loads of waste that potentially contain asbestos.

Current Remodeling Asbestos Testing ServiceAnalytical test results are required for the following products commonly known to contain asbestos:
• Interior walls and ceilings: acoustical tiles, two dots,, spray-on, orange peel and popcorn textures, textured surfacing material, such as trowel applied skim or brown coats the entire surface
• Exterior walls: cement asbestos board siding, stucco, and plaster
• Flooring: vinyl tiles, sheet vinyl, Mastic
• Insulation/fireproofing: spray – applied, vermiculite sink undercoating, thermal system insulation, fire/ kiln brick and fireproofing ( except insulation: fiberglass, cellulose, mineral wool)
• Heating: white paper or seam tape on ducts, air-duct cement, air cell and insulation
• Gaskets: furnace, mechanical, boiler, wood stove
• Roofing materials: tar paper, felt, silver or white Roofing paint/ sealer, Nicolite paper, built-up Roofing. (Exemption to Roofing: three tab asphalt Roofing that is Source separated and delivered as shingles only)
• Various compounds: window glazing, adhesives, Hawks,, mastics, Vapor Barrier products (Exempted: plastic or synthetic materials such as Tyvek)
• Electrical: switchgear, circuit boxes, and fuse panels, wiring with cloth insulation. (Exempt: Romex wiring)

• this form is required for all loads containing construction, remodeling or demolition debris
• this form should be completed by a person knowledgeable about the contents of the load and responsible for hauling the load
• multiple load projects, copies of this form will be accepted, but the contents of the load must match the description of the waste materials on the form

All parties involved ( generator, contractor, and hauler) may be held responsible for the A+ asbestos containing materials unloaded at the CRC’s transfer stations, including but not limited to the cost for testing, a licensed abatement contractor, fines, and administration.

For more information, contact Southwest clean air agency 360 574-3058 or visit the website at to learn what action steps are required.